
Advantages of Corrugated vs. Plastic Part 2 – Covenant Packaging

Part 1 of this blog series set the stage for our exploration of one of the most enduring debates of our industry: what are the real advantages of corrugated when compared to plastic? As we continue the discussion, Part 2 takes a careful look at sustainability. It’s not just critical to the debate over which […]

Advantages of Corrugated vs. Plastic Part 1 – Covenant Packaging

The advantages of corrugated packaging versus plastic is an age-old debate. Both are valuable materials with its own sets of benefits and drawbacks, making it a complex argument. So when it comes to you and your business, how do they stack up? We all have choices, but before you make make your decision it’s important […]

Ordering Custom Packaging: An Easy, 7-Step Guide – Covenant Packaging

Ordering custom packaging may seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Sure, boxes protect the contents inside. But at Covenant Packaging, we understand them for what they really are: powerful marketing tools that define your brand identity. It’s a critical element of the total customer experience. How you present your product – and the […]

6 Benefits of Custom Corrugated Packaging – Covenant Packaging

Corrugated packaging is essential to global commerce. It’s arguably even more important than the products themselves. While that may sound outrageous, what good are tangible goods if there is no way to share (or more appropriately, deliver) them to all corners of the world? To get your merchandise where it needs to go, you need […]

The Love of Jesus

Jesus is Risen! You may know Him as a great man who did incredible things during His earthly life, but do you really know the love of Jesus? Our friend who emptied Himself of blood and life so that we could be fulfilled for all eternity? On this Easter Sunday, we reflect, we celebrate and […]

How To Save Money On Packaging…The Smart Way!

It may (almost) be April, but there’s no need to be foolish with your packaging expenditures. Keep reading if your business is looking for the right ways to save money on packaging. Add More Sizes No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. One of the best ways to save money on packaging is to […]

Five Reasons Its Time for a Redesign

Hello spring! Blooming buds and chirping birds are just around the corner. The flowers may be fresh, but is your packaging? Read on for five reasons it’s time for a redesign. Packaging Redesign Improves Brand Recognition Whether bright and playful or sleek and modern, amplify your brand’s identity with packaging to match. Why? It’s your […]

Redefining Customer Service

‘Ole Mr. Webster may have written his book of words using one definition, but we challenge him with another. Customer Service [Covenant Packaging Style] (v): a way of life, 50+ years of industry experience, unlike anything else around. See also: Client advocates, problem solvers, actual rockstars. Professionalism Our team of associates is the personification of […]

Looking Ahead: A Note of Thanks

We look ahead to the limitless possibility of a brand new year with a sense of anticipation and gratefulness. The global pandemic endures, and with it, so do a host of unprecedented demands felt by our business, our partners and our clients. As we leave behind a full twelve months of labor and supply chain […]

The Greatest Gifts

What a gift our customers are to us! The continued support and partnership we find in each and every one of you is counted among our greatest blessings. But amid the excitement of the holidays, let us pause and remember the most treasured one of all, which came to us one silent night so many […]